X-wing fighters were used by the Resistance or the First Order?ĥ0. Jyn Erso said rebellions are built on what?Ĥ9. Palpatine gave the command to execute what Order in Revenge of the Sith?Ĥ8. Legend describes what as the hidden world of the Sith?Ĥ7. What was Mando’s weapon against Moff Gideon’s darksaber?Ĥ6. Who is the black market droidsmith Poe knows on Kijiji?Ĥ5. What’s the name of the casino city that Rose and Finn visited in The Last Jedi?Ĥ4. What episode is The Empire Strikes Back?Ĥ3. What color was Mace Windu’s lightsaber?Ĥ2. C-3PO is fluent in over how many forms of communication?Ĥ1. What is the name of Anakin’s step brother?Ĥ0. In ‘The Phantom Menace’, what is the color of the Naboo Starfighter?ģ9. What is the name of the female member of the Jedi High Council who is of the same species as Yoda?ģ8. What was Galen Erso’s nickname for his daughter?ģ7. What did the droid leader want to be addressed as?ģ6. What is Mando’s real name from The Mandalorian?ģ4. Who had the highest midi-chlorian count in Star Wars?ģ1. What year did the first Star Wars movie come out?ģ0.

Where is Jabba the Hutt’s Palace located?Ģ9. According to Yoda, there are always how many Sith Lords…no more, no less?Ģ8. What is the episode number of the very first Star Wars film?Ģ7. Where was Yoda’s home in his final years?Ģ6. Chancellor Palpatine was which Sith Lord?Ģ2. Who had Rey’s parents taken and killed?Ģ1. Luke lost which of his hands in a fight with Darth Vader?ġ9.

Who plays Chewbacca in the latest films?ġ8. On Tatooine, what name did Obi-Wan go by?ġ6. The Lion King’s Mufasa and which Star Wars character were voiced by the same actor (James Earl Jones)?ġ5. Per Yoda, what is the path to the dark side?ġ3. Who told Anakin there is another Skywalker?ġ2. Which character said, “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Bo-Katan wanted what from Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian?Ĥ. Which film was the final installment of the Skywalker Saga?ģ. Where was Baby Yoda when Order 66 was initiated?Ģ. Let us present our carefully written Star Wars questions and answers, which will help you enhance employee engagement and thrill your company’s Star Wars enthusiasts.ġ.